Saturday, May 2


This week has been crazy!! I am glad it is over and a new adventure will begin on Monday... I am helping Mendy with her daycare through the month of May... which I have helped her from time to time but her regular helper is having a baby and wants to take some time off... The majority of the kids are under two and then there are the twins...I tell ya...I love these babies...babies...they just turned one in March! Here are a couple of pics I have taken of them...

The picture taking thing has slowed down since school is almost out...I am also starting to look for a J O B...yuck!! I need a new (to me) car...wish me luck...hopefully it will not be a permanent situation... I have enjoyed picking Jordan up from school and being with her more... but sometimes you have to do what you have to do!! Ya'll be praying for me to find the right fit of a job!! Anyways...hope ya'll enjoy the rest of your weekend : )


Childoftherockgarden said...

Boo, Julie! Why don't you keep going with the photography somewhere? You are so talented with it!! I will keep my ears open for you. Good thoughts come your way!

Mary Kay said...

Cute babies --

Childoftherockgarden said...

You need to catch up with your blogging!!! I hope things are going well for you. Thanks so much for all of the advise the other day!